The Right Meditation is the Ultimate Medicine.
Your State of Being creates your Reality.
Radical Acceptance will Enhance your Life Experience.
During 20 years, I have explored and integrated a variety of transformative modalities, that helped me to transmute my own darkness and suffering. My journey has taught me that bliss and happiness expand when shared in community. Women's gatherings, in particular, bring me immense joy and inspiration.
The lotus flower is the universal symbol of spirituality. In order to fully bloom, we need to accept and integrate our darkness. I had the fortune to learn directly from this plant while cultivating it, playing and meditating with her. I feel as if she shared with me many of her mystical secrets and bestowed many blessings upon me. I am forever grateful to witness her beauty.
Om Mani Padme Hum

From Darkness to Light.
At 14, I lost my mother. Without a supportive family system, I turned to drugs and promiscuity as a way to cope. The grief, disconnection, and suffering led me to seek refuge in Eastern religions. At 18, in 2002, I traveled to India for the first time, immersing myself in ashram life for several months. While this experience provided a strong foundation for my spiritual journey, the rigidity of institutionalized spirituality and its inevitable corruption pushed me to carve my own path—one that felt more authentic and personal.
Alongside my spiritual exploration, I cultivated other passions, including music and organic agriculture, while also dedicating much of my time to raising my son.
For years, despite my spiritual practice, I struggled to see real transformation. Rage, envy, victimization, and a deep sense of unfulfillment still dominated my personal life. I spent nine years as a single mother with no hope for change (I am currently happily married!) and endured nine years of chronic pain in my right shoulder.
It wasn’t until around 2019 that things began to shift. I started receiving Breathwork and Kundalini Yoga sessions, and later, in 2022, I discovered Kundalini Activation and Spinal Network Therapy. These practices profoundly accelerated my emotional, spiritual, and physical healing, marking the beginning of a true transformation...

...My personal progress amazed me so much that I committed myself to learn the different techniques in order to share them and help others. I decided to produce as much money as possible through my Real Estate job to finance my studies on Kundalini Bodywork, Kundalini Activation, Spinal Flow, Spinal Energetics, Energy Orgasms, Breathwork, Parts Work and Joe Dispenza's method. I have now an integral understanding of the different approaches. I combine all this with my previous studies of Vipassana, Yoga Teacher Training, Thai Massage, Kirtan, Healing Music, 5 Rhythms Dance and Permaculture. Since I am naturally passionate about women empowering themself with spirituality and healthy sexuality, I decided to focus the knowledge in that direction. My ending result is:
"Lotus Activation: Activate the Jewel Within You".
Pictures above: Left: Dr. Carli Axford. Middle: Elliott Saxby. Right: Dr. Sarah Jane.

Before and After - Lotus Garden in Punta Uva, Iriria Community.
South Caribbean of Costa Rica -2021