Collapsing the Quantum Field & Vishnu Impregnating Prakriti

Feb 28, 2025

Vishnu (the Creator) impregnates Prakriti (The Creation) through Drshti (His Glance), while infinite universes appear and disappear from his skin pores as he breaths. Prakriti, the infinite shapes of material nature, is the womb (the Field) and she creates a suitable life form for those Jivatma (souls). This is described in the Srimad Bhagavatam & Bhagavad Gita (quotes at the end).


Since my first travel to India 22 years ago, this has always been my favorite “Lila” or “trascendental story”. It was not until a year ago that I realized the parallelism/overlapping of this Lila with the concept of Quantum physics on how possibilities constantly collapse into reality. Let me explain a bit more in detail.


Vishnu is the Maha Purusha: the masculine principle, the supreme controller and the consciousness; he takes action. Prakriti on the other hand is the feminine principle, the server and the field, the mirage (Maya); she responds. In this way, the Purusha acts by glancing (putting attention and injecting energy with a desire / a vision) while Prakriti gets agitated/impregnated and responds to his command, therefore manifesting forms/shapes/experiences.


Further more, these same scriptures define the Soul as infinitesimal consciousness (infinitesimal being the opposite of infinite) which means that we are parts and parcels (aį¹Å›ena) of the Creator. We are made of the same substance that the Creator is made of (Purusha), we have the same qualities that Purusha has, but we are just A PART of a plenary portion. Which makes my mind go “Boom! Fractals!”. We are fractals of the original Purusha*.


In this way, to wrap the parallelism, we humans have the power to impregnate the field with our glance. And the field will respond accordingly. Your glance is your attention and remember, energy goes where attention goes. Your glance carries your intention. Your glance defines your destiny because it broadcasts your message/vision/intention to the sensitive field (Prakriti) who is always listening, and feeling you. Her job is to respond you, to dance and play with you, to serve you. She will manifest it for you. Prakriti is the Quantum field, full of infinite waves and possibilities that can collapse into atoms, physical shapes and subtle forms.


But be aware, you can be mislead by your own mischievousness and impurity. By your thoughts, words, actions, habits, and character you can manifest either temporary suffering & happiness or freedom. You are not the controller (plenary portion) but you have the choice (a part of a plenary portion).


Om Tat Sat

Divine Guidance



*Regarding the concepts of fractal, parts and parcels, plenary portions, expansions, emanations, etc.. It requires a whole chapter on its own. 




Bhagavad-Gita (14. 3-4): The total material substance, prakį¹›iti, is the womb. I impregnate it with the individual souls, and thus all living beings are born. O son of Kunti, for all species of life that are produced, the material nature is the womb, and I am the seed-giving Father.


ŚhrÄ«mad Bhāgavatam 3.26.19: “In the womb of the material energy the Supreme Lord impregnates the souls. Then, inspired by the karmas of the individual souls, the material nature gets to work to create suitable life forms for them.”


Srila Prabhupada explains it like this:


“The Lord glanced over the Prakrti, or nature, and impregnated it with atomic individual souls (jivatmas). […] Innumerable universes are produced from the pores of the Mahā-Viį¹£į¹‡u's body. As He breathes out, innumerable universes are produced, and as He inhales, they are annihilated. […] Material nature has no power to create without the power of the Lord (the Purusa), just as a Prakrti, or woman, cannot produce a child without the connection of a Purusa, or man. The Purusa impregnates, and the Prakrti delivers.



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